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Writer's picture: Jenny MuscatellJenny Muscatell

Revelation 3:20 NIV "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

The cold wind blows in the chill of the night.

It wrestles the leaves that the branch still grips tight.

They crunch and swirl, destination unknown

Carried away seeming so far from home.

We all know the absence, the alone the apart

We have all felt the longing from deep in our heart

We've all closed our eyes, praying comfort be near

Words from our mouth to our Savior's sweet ear

And just with a word, we open a door

To a warmth and a light that shows something more. Home has new meaning it was here all along

It was waiting there for us in our Savior's sweet arms

Covered by mercy, covered by grace

His love never leaves us

please seek his sweet face.

- Jenny Muscatell

Writer's picture: Jenny MuscatellJenny Muscatell

Romans 8:28 NIV "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Lord, Thank you for making beauty from the ashes. Thank you that no matter how or where the enemy tries to shake the world around us, that you are always there - Miles ahead. You planned today when the world began. It amazes me how the wisdom you left us in your spirit and your word -- stands the test of time, because YOU made time. You made it all. your creation never ends just like your mercies and your grace never end. Remind us to lean into your love always, with an open heart and open mind. Help us remember we will make it through because YOU are in control, and WE belong to you. All that we are, all that we will be, all that we have, we have because of you. We may struggle in this life, you warned us we would. But you are always making beauty from our ashes. This is not our home, but we have a God-given purpose here. Please keep us strong in our soul, pure in our hearts, thankful in each moment and growing in you. These things I pray in our savior's sweet name, Jesus.


Writer's picture: Jenny MuscatellJenny Muscatell

Matthew 11:28 NIV Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Lord, Thank you that we can come to you each day, all day, with our heavy hearts and tired minds. Thank you that when we come to you, you wrap us in your blanket of comfort, where you let us cry vulnerably, allowing us to be real and true. Lord, it's hard for my mind to fully understand, but it's clear to my heart just how much you love us. Thank you for bringing your LIFE into our death-filled bodies so that we can overcome - so we can crawl out from under the weight that presses down hard, so we can peel off years of decay and damage caused by a world gone astray, so we can stand strong in victory - made new because of you. Thank you for reminding us that with you, death cannot conquer. You, God, are our hope. You are our love. You are the reason we breathe. Keep our eyes forever searching for more of you.

In Jesus' sweet name,


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